Monday, May 24, 2010
Sneak Peek!
New items coming to the Etsy shop this week and the days following!! I've fallen behind on my duties as blogger but all is well!
hehe this Hot Chocolate Lovin' necklace was listed today!!
I've been busy making new items, photographing, editing all that lovely jazz. So here is a sneak peek! Be sure to check the shop daily for new listings!
Who doesn't loooove strawberry shortcake? Especially in the summer time when the berries are sweet and fresh. This is a broach with all the makin's of a great strawberry shortcake. Light pound cake, rich whipped cream and sweet strawberries.
MmMmM...Banana Split!!! This is a mini banana split necklace, one scoop of strawberry one scoop of chocolate topped with hot fudge, whipped cream and a jumbo cherry on top!
Great way to cool off on a hot summer day, this necklace is fun to wear year round (and it won't melt and get sticky...always a plus!)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Creating Block
Today just seems like it's going to be a fail day. It's yucky outside, I tried to spice up some instant oatmeal and instead made it waaay too sweet (Added too much honey) and I have lots of studying to do as well as a mountain of laundry to fold. All of this with the hops that 3 little ones will cooperate with my efforts to get these things done!
Anyone want to do my tasks for me today? Oh, and find a way to ensure I pass this exam tomorrow? haha Can't wait for school to be done with so I can get a break from it for the summer. Trying to figure out what the Father's Day give away is going to be....
My little man turns ONE next week!!! So on top of all of the other things I'm planning his Pirate extravaganza (his sister's picked out his cake's a pirate ship). Ahh the life of a Stay at Home Momma =)
Well I'm off to find my caffeine fix and try and get this day off on the right foot!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tagging Virtual Lab
So in all my nerdy excitement I took a screen capture =) How crazy packed is that lab!!! I didn't get to stay for the full lab but I did get some good tips while I was there. I definitely urge you to go to all the labs you can!
I was in the lab for about 30 minutes of everything that was being said, by the time I left daniellexo was taking questions from the people there.
Here are the notes that I took for myself:
- Add more of your own tags, meaning don't use only subcategories that Etsy has available but be creative and come up with some of your own
- think like your buyer, add tags that you would search for if you were trying to find your item
- use your main material as a tag, this could be very helpful to the buyer as well, for me I would list polymer clay because that is the main material
- look for keywords in your description. I know for myself I always get stuck coming up with tags, daniellexo had a good tip, look through your description chances are you have good keywords in there
- think like the buyer!
- don't forget color! Color is a good tag as well
- for photographers use size as a tag
- always think like the buyer! (have I said that already?) hehe
I don't know if they're going to do another tagging workshop but I think it would be a fantastic idea. Again if you haven't been in the virtual labs they are extremely helpful!
"How do you get to the Virtual Labs?"
Okay, to get to the Virtual Labs log in to your Etsy account and then click on the Community tab (it's where the Buy and Sell tabs are) Then once you've done that click on the Virtual Labs tab and on the right hand side is a schedule of all the labs going on soon.
When I first started Etsy The Newbie lab was a great help and the Shop Critique labs are always a great help too. Another great feature in Etsy are the teams, I'm proud to say that I am a member of the Homefront Team which is an amazing team for military members, and family members you should check it out! I've had nothing but great experiences being a member of this team.
That's all for now Folks!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
But because it was a failure I took zero pictures =( BOO!
On a happy note I made breakfast for dinner tonight which means I had a huge cinnamon roll for dessert...MmMm! Oh and my Mother's day present from my Mother got here today, a gift tower from Harry&Davids.
Trying to figure out what kind of giveaway or contest I will be having for Father's Day. I shall keep all you lovely readers posted!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Now don't those just look yummy!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
and the Winner is......
So that's it for the Mother's Day Give Away!! To see our winner's favorite Mommy memory follow the yellow brick road to Sinner's Sweets fan page on Facebook!
Keep checking in I plan to have some more giveaways during the summer months!
Now, for those who didn't get to enter in on the FB page take this post's comment section to let the world know what your favorite mommy figure memory is.
I guess I should share mine now huh? Hmm..favorite Mommy moment...let me think lol there are a lot of funny ones for sure!
The memory that comes to my mind first and foremost has to do with when I became a Mommy. My beautiful baby girl Audrey was very sick as a baby and she was my first child so I was lost, completely and utterly lost. She was in the PICU at 2 weeks old fighting for her life, my mother was there. She was there for me through the whole ordeal, she held my hand, cried with me, came in and took care of Audrey so I could get a few hours of sleep or shower or eat. She was my rock.
I'm very lucky to have some amazingly strong women in my family on both sides. I have the blood of some of the most amazing women in me and couldn't be more proud. My Abuela was a strong, beautiful, independent woman and my Nanny (my grandma) is also a strong independent woman. My Great Grandma is one like no other, she is 96 and going strong! She still walks around, talks, cooks, she's an inspiration. I swear the world could come crashing down around them and they would still be going strong. They truly inspire me along with my Momma I can only hope to be near as awesome as they are.
Don't forget to show the Mom figures in your life how much they mean to you whether it's with a gift or just telling them. I know I never tire of hearing " I love you Mommy" It's honestly one of the best things to hear.
and with all of that being said....I love ya Mom. =)