So that's it for the Mother's Day Give Away!! To see our winner's favorite Mommy memory follow the yellow brick road to Sinner's Sweets fan page on Facebook!
Keep checking in I plan to have some more giveaways during the summer months!
Now, for those who didn't get to enter in on the FB page take this post's comment section to let the world know what your favorite mommy figure memory is.
I guess I should share mine now huh? Hmm..favorite Mommy moment...let me think lol there are a lot of funny ones for sure!
The memory that comes to my mind first and foremost has to do with when I became a Mommy. My beautiful baby girl Audrey was very sick as a baby and she was my
I'm very lucky to have some amazingly strong women in my family on both sides. I have the blood of some of the most amazing women in me and couldn't be more proud. My Abuela was a strong, beautiful, independent woman and my Nanny (my grandma) is also a strong independent woman. My Great Grandma is one like no other, she is 96 and going strong! She still walks around, talks, cooks, she's an inspiration. I swear the world could come crashing down around them and they would still be going strong. They truly inspire me along with my Momma I can only hope to be near as awesome as they are.
Don't forget to show the Mom figures in your life how much they mean to you whether it's with a gift or just telling them. I know I never tire of hearing " I love you Mommy" It's honestly one of the best things to hear.
and with all of that being said....I love ya Mom. =)
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