Monday, November 29, 2010
Swing by Rik Rak Studios blog for a chance(more than one actually) to win a $25.00 giveaway to a delicious shop on Etsy!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Falling for Autumn Giveaway!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The Clay Cafe
I realized that we haven't updated the blog in some time and there have been quite a few changes. If you don't have us "liked" on Facebook then here's the news:
We are slowly moving everything over from Sinner's Sweets into our new shop The Clay Cafe. After long deliberation I decided on The Clay Cafe for the jewelry and we are going to hold off on Sinner's Sweets and keep it for our future bakery.
The link to check out the new shop is now we still have items at and those listings will stay until sold or until they expire at which point they will be relisted into the new shop.
The facebook page is and we'd love to have you as a fan! The facebook page is updated constantly and giveaways are announced there immediately.
Speaking of giveaways...remember to come check back with us in the morning to get the scoop on the Falling for Autumn Earrings giveaway and there will be a second choice for those of you with unpierced ears =)
Christmas is right around the corner at this point and all of our items make great gifts! We get a lot of great feedback from tweens and teens!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Put A Stamp On It: Welcome
Put A Stamp On It: Welcome: "Welcome to Jaxson's blog. I am mom and helping Jax out with his big idea. What started out as a way for Jax to learn the proper way of w..."
Monday, July 26, 2010
Clayton Show Review
The youth were soooooo talented!! The solo performances were amazing I couldn't believe the big voices coming out of these young adults they will go very far in theater! Sales were good too the crowd was fantastic and we got tons of great feedback on our items.
They seem to be a hit with tweens and teens for sure! S0o0o if you have any of those age groups in your midst then some of Sinner's Sweets jewelry would be a great gift idea! Just sayin' hehehe.
So now that I've had a taste of these arts&crafts shows I'm dying to do more of them! I'm currently filling out an application for the Yule Mart that the FBAOSC put on here on Fort Bragg.
The only problem is I can't seem to find info on upcoming shows! So if any of you hear anything please let me know! Or if you have any advice on how to find out about upcoming shows I'd really appreciate it too!
Be sure to check out the shop as we're listing new items everyday now =)
Well that's all for now =) Have a great night folks
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
New New NEW
Well after doing our first booth at a craft show we decided we should do a test on a name. We're going to be at a show in Clayton, NC that's being held by the Clayton Youth Theater and we will be setting up a booth with the name Eye Candy!
We want to reserve Sinner's Sweets for when we can get our own bakery.
So with that being said I encourage all of you within the Raleigh area to come out to this Christmas in July Extravaganza! It is going to be held at the Clayton Center from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. this Saturday, July 24th, 2010. There will be lots of booths, food, face painting, 50/50 raffle and mini performances throughout the day bu the Clayton Youth Theater.
The address for the Clayton Center is 111 East 2nd Street and admission is FREE!! So if you were looking for something to do with the fam this weekend there ya go! Come check it out! Christmas is just around the bend if you really start thinking about it! Don't be like me and wait until the last minute to get those Christmas gifts =)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Roasted Garlic and Shrimp Pizza
- 1 cup of whole milk (I would not substitute this or you might have a watery sauce)
- 2 tablespoons of unsalted sweet cream butter
- 2 tablespoons of all purpose flour
- pinch of salt
- pinch of red (cayenne) pepper (or more if you like it spicy)
- 4 heads of roasted garlic (the garlic takes an hour to roast so plan accordingly)
- olive oil and salt and pepper for the garlic
- a couple tablespoons of cornmeal to put on your pizza pan
- about 1/2 a block (8 ounces) of cheese (if you want a plain white pizza use mozzarella, I used Colby Jack cheese for the kiddos)
- 1/2 pound of cleaned uncooked shrimp
- fresh chopped basil (the basil we use comes from our is an African blue basil which is slightly less sweet than the basil you buy in the supermarket)
- fresh chopped parsley (optional, we left this out but I think it would be a great addition)
If you are making your own crust you are going to want to do that about 3 hours before you want to cook your pizza, about 2 hours into your dough process you'll want to roast the garlic to make sure everything falls into a smooth timeline. If you are using a store bought flat bread or pizza dough you'll want to roast the garlic about an hour before you're ready to set this baby up.
To roast the garlic set your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, then you take your 4 heads of garlic and cut the upper quarter off, rub about one teaspoon of olive oil into the top of each head of garlic then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place your heads of a garlic, cut side down, onto a sheet pan lined with aluminum foil and bake for approx. one hour, or until the cloves are golden and soft. Your house will smell amazing!! Even the kids commented on how yummy it smelled, they thought it was garlic bread or spaghetti. They should look like this when they're ready:
After they are done roasting set them aside until they are cooled down, once they're cool enough to handle carefully take out the cloves of garlic. Don't worry if they don't all come out you can squeeze the heads and a roasted garlic paste will come out. Set the bowl of garlic aside.Now if your dough is ready go ahead and sprinkle some cornmeal on your pizza pan and start preheating your oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Roll the pizza dough out into the size you want and place it on your pizza pan. The cornmeal will prevent it from sticking to your pan.
Pour the sauce into a blender. Make sure the lid is on securely!!!! Or you will be cleaning garlic sauce off the ceiling for a week. Blend your sauce until it's smooth. Let the sauce cool down just a tad and then pour it onto your crust. Be sure to leave a border so that the sauce doesn't run off the pizza and create a huge mess in your oven. Now slice your cheese however thin or thick you like and put the cheese down over the sauce. Take your cleaned uncooked shrimp and arrange them on top of your pizza in anyway fashion you choose. Take your remaining garlic cloves or garlic paste and sprinkle or dollop it all over your pizza.
Bake your pizza for about 8-10 minutes. Be sure to keep an eye on it, your pizza will be done when your crust is golden and the cheese is melted and golden brown in spots. When your pizza is down take another small handful of basil, tear it and scatter it over your pizza, you'll want to do this with the parsley too if you chose to use it.
I mentioned in the listed ingredients that we used African Blue Basil, the following pictures are off my Basil plant.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sneak Peek!
New items coming to the Etsy shop this week and the days following!! I've fallen behind on my duties as blogger but all is well!
hehe this Hot Chocolate Lovin' necklace was listed today!!
I've been busy making new items, photographing, editing all that lovely jazz. So here is a sneak peek! Be sure to check the shop daily for new listings!
Who doesn't loooove strawberry shortcake? Especially in the summer time when the berries are sweet and fresh. This is a broach with all the makin's of a great strawberry shortcake. Light pound cake, rich whipped cream and sweet strawberries.
MmMmM...Banana Split!!! This is a mini banana split necklace, one scoop of strawberry one scoop of chocolate topped with hot fudge, whipped cream and a jumbo cherry on top!
Great way to cool off on a hot summer day, this necklace is fun to wear year round (
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Creating Block
Today just seems like it's going to be a fail day. It's yucky outside, I tried to spice up some instant oatmeal and instead made it waaay too sweet (Added too much honey) and I have lots of studying to do as well as a mountain of laundry to fold. All of this with the hops that 3 little ones will cooperate with my efforts to get these things done!
Anyone want to do my tasks for me today? Oh, and find a way to ensure I pass this exam tomorrow? haha Can't wait for school to be done with so I can get a break from it for the summer. Trying to figure out what the Father's Day give away is going to be....
My little man turns ONE next week!!! So on top of all of the other things I'm planning his Pirate extravaganza (his sister's picked out his cake's a pirate ship). Ahh the life of a Stay at Home Momma =)
Well I'm off to find my caffeine fix and try and get this day off on the right foot!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tagging Virtual Lab
So in all my nerdy excitement I took a screen capture =) How crazy packed is that lab!!! I didn't get to stay for the full lab but I did get some good tips while I was there. I definitely urge you to go to all the labs you can!

I was in the lab for about 30 minutes of everything that was being said, by the time I left daniellexo was taking questions from the people there.
Here are the notes that I took for myself:
- Add more of your own tags, meaning don't use only subcategories that Etsy has available but be creative and come up with some of your own
- think like your buyer, add tags that you would search for if you were trying to find your item
- use your main material as a tag, this could be very helpful to the buyer as well, for me I would list polymer clay because that is the main material
- look for keywords in your description. I know for myself I always get stuck coming up with tags, daniellexo had a good tip, look through your description chances are you have good keywords in there
- think like the buyer!
- don't forget color! Color is a good tag as well
- for photographers use size as a tag
- always think like the buyer! (have I said that already?) hehe
I don't know if they're going to do another tagging workshop but I think it would be a fantastic idea. Again if you haven't been in the virtual labs they are extremely helpful!
"How do you get to the Virtual Labs?"
Okay, to get to the Virtual Labs log in to your Etsy account and then click on the Community tab (it's where the Buy and Sell tabs are) Then once you've done that click on the Virtual Labs tab and on the right hand side is a schedule of all the labs going on soon.
When I first started Etsy The Newbie lab was a great help and the Shop Critique labs are always a great help too. Another great feature in Etsy are the teams, I'm proud to say that I am a member of the Homefront Team which is an amazing team for military members, and family members you should check it out! I've had nothing but great experiences being a member of this team.
That's all for now Folks!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
But because it was a failure I took zero pictures =( BOO!
On a happy note I made breakfast for dinner tonight which means I had a huge cinnamon roll for dessert...MmMm! Oh and my Mother's day present from my Mother got here today, a gift tower from Harry&Davids.
Trying to figure out what kind of giveaway or contest I will be having for Father's Day. I shall keep all you lovely readers posted!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Now don't those just look yummy!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
and the Winner is......
So that's it for the Mother's Day Give Away!! To see our winner's favorite Mommy memory follow the yellow brick road to Sinner's Sweets fan page on Facebook!
Keep checking in I plan to have some more giveaways during the summer months!
Now, for those who didn't get to enter in on the FB page take this post's comment section to let the world know what your favorite mommy figure memory is.
I guess I should share mine now huh? Hmm..favorite Mommy moment...let me think lol there are a lot of funny ones for sure!
The memory that comes to my mind first and foremost has to do with when I became a Mommy. My beautiful baby girl Audrey was very sick as a baby and she was my
I'm very lucky to have some amazingly strong women in my family on both sides. I have the blood of some of the most amazing women in me and couldn't be more proud. My Abuela was a strong, beautiful, independent woman and my Nanny (my grandma) is also a strong independent woman. My Great Grandma is one like no other, she is 96 and going strong! She still walks around, talks, cooks, she's an inspiration. I swear the world could come crashing down around them and they would still be going strong. They truly inspire me along with my Momma I can only hope to be near as awesome as they are.
Don't forget to show the Mom figures in your life how much they mean to you whether it's with a gift or just telling them. I know I never tire of hearing " I love you Mommy" It's honestly one of the best things to hear.
and with all of that being said....I love ya Mom. =)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Mother's Day Give Away!!
Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Earth Day is Here!
I for one loooove me some carbonated beverages conveniently packaged in a colorful aluminum can bearing the name of my favorites. I probably enjoy them too often but hey a girl can love her soda can't she? With all the bubbly goodness love there's no surprise as to why this shop caught my eye! The pop top bracelets are fantastic and for all you Twilight fans she has some that look just like your beloved Bella wore in the flick.
She combined two of my favorites in the Pepsi cupcakes you see at the beginning of this post. Are those not insanely awesome! Check out these Monster Energy Star shaped Earrings!!! I'm sure you know at least one person who loves Monster Energy Drinks.

Those are some pretty neat Ear Flare! Not only does she have jewelry she has hair accessories as well. That pop top and bottle cap hair clip is pretty neat too! I can honestly say I've never seen something like that!! KatieAnnCreations items are a fun and unique way to show off you're favorite beverages and at the same time show you care about recycling. Be sure to check out her shop!!
It's Earth Day!! Stop reading this! Go plant some flowers!! =) Get out there!
Monday, April 19, 2010
ArtTales LEFTZ

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Treasury Time Again!
Kissedbyclover has created a fun fair theme which is perfect for this time of year and the Juicy Hot Dog Necklace is in it!
To view this awesome-tastic treasury click here
I'm working on some more posts about Autism Awareness so keep on checking back with us! I'm also working on new items for the shop as well =) Feel free to comment or e-mail me at any time!
Thanks for swingin' by! Have a great week everyone.
Friday, April 16, 2010
April is Autism Awareness Month
There needs to be more understanding and tolerance of those who are Autistic. They are not bad or diseased or broken. They are people like you and me and anyone else. This campaign is something that is very near and dear to my heart. As a Big Sister and Cousin of some amazing people who happen to be Autistic I have a passion to educate people and make them aware.
Being the Big Sister of an amazing Autistic Brother had an abundance of rough patches that I will never forget, scars that will never go away of watching the complete ignorance of people and their intolerance for things they do not understand or know anything about. I had bruises and scuffs to prove that my brother was amazing and that anyone who had anything other to say was going to get a swift punch right in the nose. My brother and cousins are the most loving and caring people you will ever meet.
I wish I could be more like my little brother. He is an amazingly talented young man who writes some amazing screenplays! (Look out Spielberg!)He may not be the best at conversation and may ramble on and on about his love for all things Zombie and Bruce Campbell, but he is an amazing human being. There is nothing WRONG with him, he needs understanding and tolerance.
The range of Autism and how it affects people is so vast that there is absolutely no way to generalize them or their behaviors.
Why am I writing this? Again, April is Autism Awareness Month and throughout April I will be posting about just that..Autism Awareness. I am going to post some of my favorite Etsy items for you to see and post stories for you to read about Autism.
So for today, I found this item on

The seller's s/n on Etsy is anniereh if the links don't seem to be working for you.
Keep an eye out for more posts with more great Autism Awareness Items.
Food for Thought:
"Autistic beings develop and bloom if their spirits, talents, and self-esteem are not destroyed by bullies, prejudice, 'doggie-training', and being forced to be 'normal'." - Trisha Van Berkel
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
It's not really my cup of tea as I'm more of an Always Sunny kinda fact I'm sporting the Paddy's Irish Pub shirt today! Yes...I am a HUGE nerdy fashion for sure!
Hmm what to write about? I have this delciously tempting brownie sitting next to me and a tall glass of ice water..nope not milk..lactose intolerant. (yes very lame I assure you if only I could bury my face in some delicious yogurt without...lets not go there)
I really should be devouring that beautiful little thing! I'm a little put off by the icing..I've never been a huge fan of icing on a brownie..why ruin the delicious chocolatey-ness of it with a layer of fat and sugar? Don't get me wrong I loooove making icing just not eating it..too sweet for me.
So I have decided on at least one seller for the Earth Day features, starting April 18th I'm going to do a feature a day until Earth Day to get everyone in the mood to do some recycling or whatever else you want to do to celebrate!
We're going to plant our patio garden and we've started recycling now that we have the bins to do it!
Hmm I guess the title of this blog really should say "Random Thoughts of Nothing Really" =P and with that I'm off to consume temptation! Goodnight folks!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Late Night Blogging
Hmm but what to blog about? Another heads up to all my blogosphere peoples, 10% off sale for Mother's Day!
Oh and keep an eye out as there will be updates to policies and such on the shop site. I'm hoping to clear out the food items by the end of June to make room for new inventory. Sinner's Sweets..home of foodie chic jewelry pieces that are fun and funky! For any occasion or event!
If you have any requests or something you would like to see in the shop feel free to shoot me an e-mail at or if it's easier for you hit me up via the Etsy conversations! Hell even comment on this post and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
I'm also looking for an Etsy seller to feature for Earth Day! I've got some in mind but if you know someone you think deserves the Earth Day feature let me know! to get a 10 month old to go to sleep at midnight...ahh off to do the Mommy job =) (shh don't tell's my favorite job )
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Happy Birthday!
I had planned on adding some flowers into the grass to add some more detail but with poor time management and 2 girls hungry for some cake things didn't work exactly like I planned them. Oh well!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Nap Fail
The joys of motherhood! Hahaha I should've known there would be no naps in my future this morning.
Not only was nap a fail..but blogging once a I'm such a procastinator! I will sit here knowing I really should type up a blog while I have the time and the kids out of my hair but of course I always find something else that needs to be done at that moment. I will still strive to do a blog a day but its apparent that won't always happen like I want it to.
Now onto some business stuff. =) Last night while the kids were in bed and the husband was studying I finished up some new pieces!
Keep an eye out for pictures but I'll tell you what I made (it was overcast earlier so pictures were a no go but its clearing up). Sinner's Sweets will soon have BLT studs, PB&J studs, a 3 tier wedding cake paper weight (which can be turned into a ring on request!), a hot dog necklace, and a hot dog charm bracelet!
Everything turned out great! I'm so excited to get the pictures done and these babies listed.
On another note. Some of you may not realize but Mother's Day is just around the corner!! Literally one month from today!! Starting the first week in May Sinner's Sweets will be offering 10% off all purchases for those who put 4MOM in the notes to seller! Be sure to snag something truly yum for your mum! Sinner's Sweets has delicious cupcakes and candies for Momma and Momma's to be to snack on or for those waist conscious Mommas we've got plenty of food jewelry to sport your favorite snacks.
Remember all Have a Rockin' Weekend! Keep your chin up even when it feels impossible to do!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
What does that have to do with food anyway? Well don't leave your pie to cool on an open windowsill right now! It will get a lovely coating of the yellow powdery stuff floating in the breeze.
I've been working on some new pieces but haven't had the time to bust out the camera just yet and I did promise my best at a blog post a day so today I've decided to share a recipe with you =)
I loooooove a good loaf of home made bread (the kneading is a fantastic stress relief as well!) so I'm sharing with you a recipe for 2 loaves of a delicious buttery braided bread (say that 5 times fast!)
So without further ado lets jump right in!
Braided Bread Loaf
1 c. milk
½ c. unsalted butter cut into cubes
½ c. sugar
½ t. salt
1 packet active dry yeast
¼ c. warm water
1 lg. Egg, beaten until white/yolk blended- room temperature
4 c. flour (you can use all purpose but bread flour tends to work the best)
Scald milk in medium saucepan and add butter, sugar and salt until butter has melted. Pour your milk mixture into a large mixing bowl. This part is extremely important! Cool the mixture to 105 to 115 degrees any colder and your yeast will not "burp" as much any hotter and you could kill your yeast. Sprinkle yeast over 1/4 cup warm water in small bowl; stir to dissolve. Let stand 10 minutes at room temperature
Add yeast and 1 beaten egg to milk mixture. Stir in enough flour, 1/2 cup at a time, to form soft, slightly sticky dough. Lightly grease large bowl. Add dough, turning to coat. Cover bowl with kitchen towel or cheesecloth and let dough rise in warm draft-free area until doubled in volume, about 2 hours. (You can put a large pan of warm water in a cool oven and place your dough in there as a sort of home made proofer)
Grease two heavy large cookie sheets. Turn dough out onto lightly floured work surface and knead until smooth, 2 minutes. Divide dough in half. Divide each half into 3 pieces. Roll each piece out between hands and floured surface to 18 inch long rope.
Arrange 3 ropes side by side on 1 prepared sheet. Braid ropes. Pinch ends together and tuck under loaf. Repeat process with remaining 3 ropes on second cookie sheet for second loaf. Cover each loaf with kitchen towel and let rise in warm draft-free area until almost doubled in volume, about 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush with butter periodically throughout bake time. Bake until loaves are golden brown and sound hollow when tapped on bottom, about 25 minutes. Transfer to racks and cool.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Down to Business
So lets start over and see if we can't make this thing work! =)
I'm Tiff, I'm a student, Etsy lover and shop owner, and a crafty domestic stay at home Momma. I am without a doubt hooked on Etsy there are so many great finds and great people! The community on Etsy is very diverse and a lot of fun. My goal is to eventually own my own brick and mortar store front.
I will be using this blog to feature sellers/items that I think are fantastic! As well as give everyone the heads up when I'm going to be listing new items myself!
For all my fellow SAHM out there keep an eye out as I will be sharing some of my favorite recipes for everything from cupcakes to steaks!
So what should we do first? I'm going to share with you some of my newest creations for today =) Ooooh and before I forget..One of my hair bows made into an amazing treasury on Etsy! To see this treasury click here
Hope you enjoy them, they were a lot of fun to create. Remember to check back, my goal is a blog post a day =)